Sei Teil unserer Erfolgsgeschichte

Bringe dein Talent in unser internationales Team ein

Bringe dein Talent in unser internationales Team ein

Wir sind immer auf der Suche nach neuen Perspektiven und Ansätzen, die uns helfen können, unser Produkt zu entwickeln, unser Geschäft auszubauen und unsere KundInnen zu unterstützen. Ob in unserer Zentrale in Wien oder in einem unserer internationalen Außenstellen, wir heißen dich herzlich in unserem Team willkommen.


Freiheit und Flexibilität

Wir wissen, dass bevorzugte Arbeitsstile und -umgebungen von Person zu Person unterschiedlich sind. Deswegen kannst du bei PlanRadar bis zu 100% remote aus allen Ländern, in denen wir Büros haben (das sind 16 und es werden immer mehr!), arbeiten. Wenn du einen lebhaften Arbeitsplatz bevorzugst, kannst du dir diesen innerhalb aller unserer weltweiten PlanRadar Büros aussuchen. Unser Setup und unsere Tools sorgen dafür, egal für welchen Arbeitsplatz du dich entscheidest, dass sich alle Mitarbeitenden verbunden fühlen.

Wir bieten

Buddy Programm

Trainings- Angebote

Internationales Umfeld

Relocation Package

Team Events

Home Office Möglichkeiten

Flexible Arbeitszeiten

Gratis Getränke, Snacks und Obst

Referral Programm

Provision oder Bonus

Unsere Werte

Unmögliches schaffen

Unmögliches schaffen

Wir sind nicht zu stoppen. Wir arbeiten zielgerichtet und geben immer 100%. Unsere Entschlossenheit zeichnet uns aus. Der Beweis dafür sind unsere Ergebnisse.

Etabliertes durchbrechen

Etabliertes durchbrechen

Wir sind stolz auf das, was wir erreicht haben. Unser Erfolg spornt uns an, nach neuen Lösungen, Methoden und Ideen zu streben. Wir arbeiten dynamisch und schaffen Verbesserungen, die mindestens genauso wirkungsvoll sind wie große Innovationen.



Wenn unsere Kunden erfolgreich sind, sind wir erfolgreich. Wir stellen Kundinnen und Kunden ins Zentrum unseres Handelns. Alle unsere Teams lernen, aus Kundensicht zu denken. Die Kombination aus Kundenfeedback und datengetriebenen Erkenntnissen treibt unser Wachstum und unsere Leidenschaft an.



Eine positive und integrative Kultur ist uns wichtig. Flache Hierarchien ermöglichen, dass jede Stimme gehört wird. Jedes Feedback nehmen wir ernst. Der Beweis? Über 90 % unserer Mitarbeitenden würden PlanRadar als Arbeitsplatz weiterempfehlen.

Diversität leben

Diversität leben

Wir wissen, dass erfolgreiche Teams von unterschiedlichen Perspektiven leben. Wir schätzen Vielfalt am Arbeitsplatz – davon profitieren wir und unsere Kunden. In unserem Team sprechen wir 20 verschiedene Sprachen.

Die Extrameile gehen

Die Extrameile gehen

Wir suchen nach neuen Möglichkeiten und ergreifen sie mit beiden Händen. Wir sind Macher:innen und arbeiten gemeinsam daran, unser Unternehmen zu verbessern und voranzubringen.

Bei uns macht Arbeit Spaß

Bei uns macht Arbeit Spaß

Spaß bedeutet für uns ein Gefühl von Gemeinschaft und Zugehörigkeit. Wir feiern Erfolge gemeinsam und sind leidenschaftliche Teamplayer.



Besuche unsere LinkedIn-Seite, um einen Einblick in unser #PlanRadarLife zu erhalten.

Umziehen nach Wien

Wien wurde bereits mehrfach zur lebenswertesten Stadt gewählt. Einige Gründe dafür sind:

Gesundheits- & Sozialwesen

Österreich hat eines der besten Sozialversicherungssysteme der Welt und bietet Leistungen wie Pensionsversicherung, Arbeitslosenversicherung, Mutterschaftsurlaub und freien Zugang zur öffentlichen Gesundheitsversorgung für alle. Wenn du mit deiner Familie umziehst – kein Problem, Familienmitglieder sind krankenversichert, solange du bei einem österreichischen Unternehmen angestellt bist. Ausserdem sind fünf Wochen bezahlter Jahresurlaub (zusätzlich zu den Feiertagen) Standard in Österreich.

13. & 14. Gehalt

14 Monatsgehälter pro Jahr – klingt zu schön, um wahr zu sein? Nein, ist es nicht. In Österreich bekommt man je nach Jahreseinkommen zwei Sonderzahlungen, eine mitten im Jahr, damit man einen schönen Sommerurlaub verbringen kann, und eine zum Jahresende, damit man die Urlaubszeit im Winter stilvoll feiern kann.


In Wien ist die Betreuung von Kindern unter sechs Jahren kostenlos. Das Schulsystem ist ebenfalls kostenlos, es gibt aber auch Angebote für private und internationale Schulen, die kostenpflichtig sind. Du hast die Wahl und diese ist unabhängig von deinem Wohnort (innerhalb von Wien).

Wien kombiniert das Beste aus Großstadtleben und Natur

Wien ist eine urbane Hauptstadt umgeben vom Wiener Wald und bietet somit das Beste aus beiden Welten: Wohnen in einer Stadt mit einem vielfältigen Angebot an kulturellen Veranstaltungen, Museen, Restaurants und Theatern, aber du bist auch schnell in den Bergen und im Grünen. In unmittelbarer Nähe gibt es Wanderwege (einige davon befinden sich sogar innerhalb der Stadtgrenzen!), lokale Weinberge und ein spannendes Angebot an vielen weiteren Outdoor-Aktivitäten.

Firmeninterne Deutschkurse

Zusammen mit einem externen Partner bieten wir regelmäßig hausinterne Deutschkurse für unsere internationalen Kolleginnen & Kollegen an.


Die Lebenshaltungskosten, z.B. Lebensmittel, Restaurants und Rechnungen, sind in Wien durchschnittlich niedriger als in anderen europäischen Großstädten.

Leistbares Wohnen

Das Leben in Wien ist erschwinglich, insbesondere im Vergleich zu Hauptstädten wie London, Berlin, Madrid oder Paris, wo die Kosten für ein Zimmer in einer Wohngemeinschaft mit der Anmietung einer ganzen Wohnung in Wien vergleichbar sind.


Wien ist eine sichere Stadt. Auch nachts kann man alleine durch die Stadt gehen und sich sicher fühlen.

Öffentlicher Verkehr

Wien bietet ein spitzen U-Bahn-, Straßenbahn- und Busnetz zu einem sehr günstigen Preis: Für 365 € pro Jahr kannst du alle öffentlichen Verkehrsmitteln in ganz Wien nutzen.


PlanRadar unterstützt dich bei deinem Antrag auf Aufenthalts- und Arbeitserlaubnis und steht dir mit Rat und Tat zur Seite. Erfahrungen einer Kollegin, die erst kürzlich zu uns nach Wien gezogen ist, findest du hier: PlanRadar LinkedIn Page.


In unseren Teams in Wien arbeiten mehr als 50 Kolleginnen und Kollegen aus aller Welt. Du kannst daher immer auf Unterstützung und Rat von Personen zählen, die bereits ähnliche Erfahrungen gemacht haben.


Warum unsere Mitarbeiter PlanRadar lieben

Unser Bewerbungsprozess

What we do at PlanRadar

What we do at PlanRadar

Was wir bei PlanRadar tun

Our digital platform revolutionizes documentation, task management, and communication for construction and real estate projects. With our user-friendly interface and adaptable features, PlanRadar caters to all, regardless of company size or processes, serving more than 20.000 customers in 65+ countries. As pioneers in our field, we help to disrupt the established, while making working together easier.

Unsere digitale Plattform revolutioniert die Dokumentation, das Taskmanagement und die Kommunikation für Bau- und Immobilienprojekte. Durch unsere einfach zu bedienende Benutzeroberfläche und die anpassbaren Features ist PlanRadar perfekt geeignet für alle Arten von Unternehmen, unabhängig von deren Größe oder Prozessen. PlanRadar unterstützt mehr als 20.000 Kunden in über 65 Ländern. Als Pioniere in unserem Bereich tragen wir dazu bei, den Status Quo neu zu definieren und die Zusammenarbeit von Teams zu erleichtern.

Your place in the team

Dein Platz im Team

With 400+ employees across the globe, we provide an inclusive, employee-centric workplace where you can fulfill your potential and leave your mark on an innovation-driven, fast-paced company. Your voice matters when it comes to bringing our company culture, values and team spirit to life.

Mit mehr als 400 Mitarbeitenden auf der ganzen Welt bieten wir ein internationales, mitarbeiterorientiertes Arbeitsumfeld, in dem du dein Potenzial voll entfalten und Einfluss auf ein innovatives, schnelllebiges Unternehmen nehmen kannst. Deine Stimme zählt, wenn es darum geht, unsere Unternehmenskultur, unsere Werte und unseren Teamgeist zum Leben zu erwecken.

What we offer

What we offer

Was wir bieten

We are inquisitive minds who challenge the status quo and strive to shape the future of our industry. Success is our collective mission and we go the extra mile to achieve it. “Making Work Fun” is one of our core values and we believe in an employee-centric company culture where everyone can make an impact. Whether you’re an experienced professional or just starting your career, at PlanRadar, your talents and insights are highly valued.

Wir sind neugierige Köpfe, die den Status Quo hinterfragen und deren gemeinsames Ziel es ist, die Zukunft unserer Branche zu gestalten. „Going the extra mile“ und “Make work fun” gehören zu unseren Grundwerten. Wir glauben an eine mitarbeiterzentrierte Unternehmenskultur, in der jede und jeder etwas bewirken kann. Egal, ob du bereits jahrelange Erfahrung mitbringst oder deine Karriere gerade erst beginnst, bei PlanRadar werden deine Talente und Kenntnisse geschätzt.

Buddy program

Buddy programBuddy Programm

In-house trainings

In-house trainingsTrainings- Angebote

Global culture

Global cultureInternationales Umfeld

Relocation package

Relocation packageRelocation Package

Team events

Team eventsTeam Events

Home Office possibilities

Home Office possibilitiesHome Office Möglichkeiten

Flexible working hours

Flexible working hoursFlexible Arbeitszeiten

Free drinks, snacks & fruits

Free drinks, snacks & fruitsGratis Getränke, Snacks und Obst

Referral program

Referral programReferral Programm

Commission or bonus

Commission or bonusProvision oder Bonus

Apply for this Job

Cover Letter

Thank you for applyingYour application has been received – one of our Recruiters will get back to you as soon as possible.

Vielen Dank für deine Bewerbung.Wir haben deine Bewerbung erhalten – Unser Recruiting-Team wird sich schnellstmöglich mit dir in Verbindung setzen.

Wir sind auf der Suche nach:

Sollte bei unseren derzeit offenen Positionen keine passende Stelle dabei sein, freuen wir uns auf Ihre Initiativbewerbung.

Account Executive Australia (m/f/d)









As of Now




Among other things, you will

  • Actively contact leads and execute the sales process in a creative and professional way
  • Drive the acquisition of new B2B customers and develop our existing customers in the region (developers, construction and engineering companies, architects, property owners and facility managers)
  • Conduct product demonstrations (on-line and face 2 face) and help potential clients to onboard the software
  • Have a sharp understanding of data when reporting results
  • Are responsible for achieving sales targets and revenue
  • Bring a responsible, accurate and results-driven working style to the team

Who you are

  • Our ideal candidate must have a proven track record in SaaS sales of at least 3 years
  • You should enjoy traveling for work and have a valid class C driver’s licence
  • You have a valid Australian passport
  • You should be sociable, sales-oriented and flexible
  • You love to learn and can motivate yourself to achieve within a busy B2B Sales team
  • You ideally have experience in construction, engineering, property management / real estate industries
  • You have excellent spoken and written English skills
  • You exercise a proven high degree of CRM management and the Microsoft Office Suite

Your recruiter

Noushin Islam

Noushin Islam


“We build careers and shape futures, one perfect match at a time!”“We build careers and shape futures, one perfect match at a time!”

Account Executive SEE (m/f/d)









As of Now




Among other things, you will

  • Actively contact leads and execute the sales process in a creative and professional way
  • Drive the acquisition of new B2B customers and develop our existing customers in the region (developers, construction and engineering companies, architects, property owners and facility managers)
  • Conduct product demonstrations (on-line and face 2 face) and help potential clients to onboard the software
  • Have a sharp understanding of data when reporting results
  • Are responsible for achieving sales targets and revenue
  • Bring a responsible, accurate and results-driven working style to the team

Who you are

  • Our ideal candidate has a proven track record in sales and enjoys pitching, presenting and negotiating deals
  • You should be sociable, sales-oriented and flexible
  • You should enjoy traveling for work and have a valid class B driving license
  • You love to learn and can motivate yourself to achieve within a busy B2B Sales team
  • You have experience with (or are interested in) the IT, construction or real estate industries
  • You have excellent spoken and written Slovenian and business English (Croatian is a plus)
  • You’re very comfortable working with PCs and are quick to pick up new software

Your recruiter

Rosa Cheng

Rosa Cheng


“Every conversation becomes easier with a dash of humor”“Every conversation becomes easier with a dash of humor”

Account Executive Slovakia (m/f/d)









As of Now




Among other things, you will

  • Actively contact leads and execute the sales process in a creative and professional way
  • Drive the acquisition of new B2B customers and develop our existing customers in the region (developers, construction and engineering companies, architects, property owners and facility managers)
  • Conduct product demonstrations (on-line and face 2 face) and help potential clients to onboard the software
  • Have a sharp understanding of data when reporting results
  • Are responsible for achieving sales targets and revenue
  • Bring a responsible, accurate and results-driven working style to the team

Who you are

  • Our ideal candidate has a proven track record in sales and enjoys pitching, presenting and negotiating deals
  • You should be sociable, sales-oriented and flexible
  • You should enjoy traveling for work and have a valid class B driving license
  • You love to learn and can motivate yourself to achieve within a busy B2B Sales team
  • You have experience with (or are interested in) the IT, construction or real estate industries
  • You have excellent spoken and written Slovak and business English skills, preferably also Czech skills
  • You’re very comfortable working with PCs and are quick to pick up new software

Your recruiter

Noushin Islam

Noushin Islam


“We build careers and shape futures, one perfect match at a time!”“We build careers and shape futures, one perfect match at a time!”

Android Developer (m/f/d)









As of Now




Among other things, you will

  • Help to improve the PlanRadar Android app (smartphone, tablet)
  • Write code that’s readable, well documented, and has meaningful tests
  • Build new features and improve the existing codebase
  • Plan and develop unit tests and UI tests
  • Collaborate with the whole team and get involved in planning new features, improving existing features, and architectural decisions
  • Spend time on getting things done correctly, not quick and dirty
  • Development, selection, and integration of new technologies

Who you are

  • You have at least 3 years of experience in Android development
  • You have deep and intimate understanding of developing Android apps (Android-API, Kotlin, SQLite)
  • It’s a bonus if you have knowledge of React Native
  • You know how to write performing and robust code
  • You have a good sense for crafting the perfect user experience and performance
  • Your English language skills are excellent
  • You have a pragmatic approach to problem-solving
  • You have excellent communication skills and understanding of the importance of team cohesion

Your Salary

The annual gross salary for this position based on a full-time employment depending on your individual professional qualifications and previous experience ranges from € 52,500- to € 63,000.-. This includes: full health insurance, occupational accident insurance, public pension scheme and public unemployment insurance.

Your recruiter

Rovina Gill

Rovina Gill


“In recruitment, the goal is not to sell a job, but to build relationships and create opportunities”“In recruitment, the goal is not to sell a job, but to build relationships and create opportunities”

Backend Developer (m/f/d)









As of Now




Among other things, you will

  • Help to improve the PlanRadar Webapp/API (Ruby on Rails)
  • Write code that’s readable, well documented, and has meaningful tests
  • Build new features and improve the existing codebase
  • Collaborate with the whole team and get involved in planning new features, improving existing features, and architectural decisions
  • Spend time on getting things done correctly, not quick and dirty
  • Development, selection, and integration of new technologies

Who you are

  • MSc. or BSc. in Computer Science or a similar education is preferred
  • At least 4 years of experience in Web Development
  • Deep and intimate understanding of developing Ruby on Rails Apps on Postgres, Linux/Unix and ReactJS KnowHow is also preferred
  • Knowledge on working with SQL and relational databases
  • Knowledge on how to write performing and robust code
  • Good sense for crafting the perfect user experience
  • English knowledge (German is a plus)
  • Pragmatic approach to problem-solving
  • Excellent communication skills and understanding of the importance of team cohesion

Your Salary

The annual gross salary for this position based on a full-time employment depending on your individual professional qualifications and previous experience ranges from € 52,500- to € 63,000.-. This includes: full health insurance, occupational accident insurance, public pension scheme and public unemployment insurance.

Your recruiter

Rosa Cheng

Rosa Cheng


“Every conversation becomes easier with a dash of humor”“Every conversation becomes easier with a dash of humor”

Business Development Representative Hungary (m/f/d)









As of Now




Among other things, you will

  • Contact potential customers via telephone, email, and social media
  • Have an eye firmly on the team’s goals when making appointments for the sales team
  • Work closely with your dedicated Sales Consultant to identify ongoing strategic targets
  • Ensure successful follow through of the sales cycle by maintaining accurate activity and lead qualification information in our CRM application
  • Consistently achieve qualified opportunity quotas to ensure territory revenue objectives

Who you are

  • Our ideal candidate is self-motivated, ambitious and has a winning attitude
  • You have excellent spoken and written skills in Hungarian and business English
  • You’re a confident multi-tasker, able to prioritise and manage your time effectively
  • If you bring prior experience of inside sales or SaaS, it’s a definite positive but not essential

Your recruiter

Noushin Islam

Noushin Islam


“We build careers and shape futures, one perfect match at a time!”“We build careers and shape futures, one perfect match at a time!”

Customer Success Manager CA (m/f/d)









As of Now




Among other things, you will

  • Advice and support users after they become customers.
  • Proactively demonstrate possible use cases and best practices.
  • Provide Technical and Product Support.
  • Responsible for developing customer relationships that promote retention and loyalty with existing customers
  • Be the interface between existing customers and sales teams.

Who you are

  • C1/C2 Russian language skills are a must.
  • Sales-oriented, sociable, and flexible personality
  • Strong PC user skills.
  • Ability to learn and self-motivation.
  • Experience in phone business conversations and in attracting new customers.
  • A basic understanding of software products and business processes is a plus.

Your recruiter

Rovina Gill

Rovina Gill


“In recruitment, the goal is not to sell a job, but to build relationships and create opportunities”“In recruitment, the goal is not to sell a job, but to build relationships and create opportunities”

Customer Success Manager DACH (m/f/d)









Ab sofort




Dein Betätigungsfeld

  • Ausbau und Pflege von langfristigen Kundenbeziehungen in der Region DACH
  • Eigenverantwortliche Abwicklung sämtlicher verkaufsrelevanter Prozesse (Produkt- und Lösungspräsentationen, Beratung der verschiedenen Lizenz Modelle etc.)
  • Eigenständige Betreuung bestehender Kunden
  • Analyse, Durchführung und Optimierung der Implementationsmaßnahmen
  • Enge Zusammenarbeit mit den operativen Einheiten (Marketing, Product Management, etc) bei PlanRadar
  • Erstellung verschiedener Anwenderberichte mit den Kunden und Ausarbeitung einer Case Study in Zusammenarbeit mit Marketing

Das zeichnet dich aus

  • Facheinschlägige Berufserfahrung im Key Account oder Customer Success
  • Erfahrung im B2B-Vertrieb, Branchenerfahrung (IT, Bau) und SaaS Erfahrung von Vorteil
  • Sehr gute EDV-Kenntnisse und Erfahrung mit CRM Tools
  • Solide PC-Anwenderkenntnisse, Verhandlungsgeschick, Präsentationssicherheit
  • Kontaktfreudig, kompetent, verkaufsorientiert, flexibel, reisebereit
  • Ausgezeichnetes Deutsch, verhandlungssicheres Englisch
  • Eigenverantwortliches, genaues und ergebnisorientiertes Arbeiten
  • Fähigkeit zu lernen und zur Selbstmotivation
  • Grundverständnis von Softwareprodukten und betriebswirtschaftlichen Abläufen

Your recruiter

Rosa Cheng

Rosa Cheng


“Every conversation becomes easier with a dash of humor”“Every conversation becomes easier with a dash of humor”

Frontend Developer (m/f/d)









As of Now




Among other things, you will

  • Help to improve the PlanRadar Webapp/API (React)
  • Improve visual quality and design
  • Write code that’s readable, well documented, and has meaningful tests
  • Build new features and improve the existing codebase
  • Collaborate with the whole team and get involved in planning new features, improving existing features, and architectural decisions
  • Spend time on getting things done correctly, not quick and dirty
  • Develop, select and integrate new technologies

Who you are

  • You have 3+ years of experience in a similar position
  • You have deep and intimate understanding of developing frontend using React, Vite, TailwindCSS, CSS/SCSS
  • Ideally you have a MSc. or BSc. in Computer Science or a similar education
  • You have knowledge on how to write performing and robust code
  • You have a good sense for crafting the perfect user experience
  • You have excellent English skills
  • You have a pragmatic approach to problem-solving
  • You have excellent communication skills and understanding of the importance of team cohesion

Your Salary

The annual gross salary for this position based on a full-time employment depending on your individual professional qualifications and previous experience ranges from € 52,500- to € 63,000.-. This includes: full health insurance, occupational accident insurance, public pension scheme and public unemployment insurance. 

Your recruiter

Rovina Gill

Rovina Gill


“In recruitment, the goal is not to sell a job, but to build relationships and create opportunities”“In recruitment, the goal is not to sell a job, but to build relationships and create opportunities”

Global Email Marketing Automation Manager (m/f/d)









As of Now




Among other things, you will

  • Lead the concepting, execution, and analysis of global email marketing campaigns to engage and convert PlanRadar prospects and customers, creating leads, pipeline and revenue.
  • Be a part of the Global Marketing Team, which means having great support in research, ideation, copywriting, and project management to elevate your email marketing initiatives.
  • Develop and execute email campaigns tailored to each stage of the customer journey, including acquisition, development, churn prevention, and reactivation.
  • Flawlessly execute custom and standard automations, along with one-off marketing campaigns, including product onboarding campaigns and email nurturing campaigns.
  • Devise and implement a rigorous testing strategy to gain insights into customer segments, behaviours, and lifecycle stages, to increase engagement and revenue.
  • Take ownership of the email campaigns calendar, ensuring timely and strategic deployment of campaigns in alignment with marketing objectives.
  • Serve as the resident expert on HubSpot and Zoho CRM, managing technical aspects such as data synchronisation, field creation, and lead scoring framework implementation.
  • Work with Excel filters to refine and align target audiences effectively. You will leverage the full spectrum of B2B data attributes to develop and optimize email marketing campaigns, ensuring precise targeting and enhanced engagement.
  • Own the health of our email database and make recommendations to continuously optimise the database health score.
  • Mentor and guide regional teams in campaign execution and planning processes, fostering a culture of collaboration and excellence.

Who you are

  • Entrepreneurial and data-driven marketer with exceptional operational skills to deliver results.
  • Minimum of 4+ years of experience in a similar role, ideally in a high-growth, fast-paced environment.
  • Strong collaborator able to work cross-functionally, especially closely with sales teams.
  • Excellent communication skills in English, both written and verbal.
  • You go the extra mile to complete projects, working independently with an outstanding level of ownership.
  • Exceptionally detail-focused, always ensuring accuracy and precision in your work by rigorously double-checking and even triple-checking all data.

Your Salary

The annual gross minimum salary according to the collective agreement based on the Austrian law for this position is EUR 61,000. This includes: full health insurance, occupational accident insurance, public pension scheme and public unemployment insurance. Depending on your individual professional qualifications and previous experience your salary could be significantly higher.

Your recruiter

Rovina Gill

Rovina Gill


“In recruitment, the goal is not to sell a job, but to build relationships and create opportunities”“In recruitment, the goal is not to sell a job, but to build relationships and create opportunities”

Junior IT Allrounder (m/f/d)









As of Now




Among other things, you will

  • Proactively manage company hardware and internal (SaaS) applications
  • Be the point of contact for IT-related questions, thereby functioning as an internal first-level IT support
  • Collaborate on various IT projects such as optimization projects, internal rollouts and user & permission management
  • Troubleshoot and resolve hardware and software issues
  • Maintain IT documentation and inventory records

Who you are

  • Our ideal candidate has a technical education (e.g. HTL) or a similar background, experience in a related, technical role is a plus
  • You have an analytical mindset and a solution-oriented work style
  • You are driven, have a positive attitude and can work efficiently under time constraints
  • You are eager to learn new skills and to improve your existing skillset
  • You have excellent communication skills and understand the importance of team cohesion
  • You have proficient English language skills, German is a plus

Your Salary

The annual gross minimum salary according to the collective agreement based on the Austrian law for this position is EUR 35,000. This includes: full health insurance, occupational accident insurance, public pension scheme and public unemployment insurance. Depending on your individual professional qualifications and previous experience your salary could be significantly higher.

Your recruiter

Noushin Islam

Noushin Islam


“We build careers and shape futures, one perfect match at a time!”“We build careers and shape futures, one perfect match at a time!”

Marketing Manager DACH (m/f/d)









As of Now




Among other things, you will

  • Coordination of all marketing activities in a market in collaboration with our functional and global marketing teams
  • Continuous alignment with regional stakeholders from the Sales, SDR and Customer Success departments
  • Checking all marketing activities for alignment with our general company goals (revenue targets and North Star KPIs)
  • Management of external stakeholders such as PR agencies and industry partners
  • Localisation of global content assets and creation of regional content where required in compliance with globally defined standards
  • Ensuring high quality translations for our product and website

Who you are

  • You are an entrepreneurial, commercially savvy marketer who blends creative ideas and operational execution to deliver results
  • You have at least 5 years of B2B marketing experience and proven results & end-to-end expertise across the entire marketing funnel
  • You have a strong integrated marketing experience across all aspects of the marketing mix, including digital, offline, direct and social media marketing
  • You have a proven ability to work collaboratively and cross-functionally, with experience of working closely with sales and customer success teams
  • You have good insight into the messages and targeting to reach specific goals and strong analytic/segmentation/forecasting skills
  • You thrive in a fast-paced, high-growth environment
  • You have impeccable written and verbal native German communication skills, and strong verbal communication skills in English

Your Salary

The annual gross minimum salary according to the collective agreement based on the Austrian law for this position is EUR 49,000. This includes: full health insurance, occupational accident insurance, public pension scheme and public unemployment insurance. Depending on your individual professional qualifications and previous experience your salary could be significantly higher.

Your recruiter

Rosa Cheng

Rosa Cheng


“Every conversation becomes easier with a dash of humor”“Every conversation becomes easier with a dash of humor”

Sachbearbeiter/in Auftragsabwicklung (m/w/d)









Ab sofort




Dein Betätigungsfeld

  • Du bist verantwortlich für die Auftragsannahme bzw. -bearbeitung, Fakturierung sowie das Mahnwesen.
  • Du verwaltest wiederkehrende Aufträge in unserem modernen Verrechnungstool und stellst sicher, dass alle auftragsrelevanten Daten in unseren Systemen richtig erfasst und gepflegt werden.
  • Du bist erster Ansprechpartner bei Kundenanfragen und Rechnungsreklamationen.
  • Du arbeitest dabei auch eng mit unserem Customer Success Team zusammen und hilfst bei der Beantwortung aller auftragsrelevanten Anfragen bzw. Koordination interner Prozesse.
  • Du unterstützt tatkräftig bei laufenden Projekten, um Abläufe zu verbessern und neue Systeme zu implementieren.

Das zeichnet dich aus

  • Du hast eine abgeschlossene kaufmännische Ausbildung (HAK oder vergleichbare Ausbildung).
  • Du verfügst mehrjährige Berufserfahrung im Bereich Auftragsabwicklung, Fakturierung bzw. Debitorenbuchhaltung und Mahnwesen.
  • Du behältst in kritischen Situationen stets einen kühlen Kopf, kommunizierst gelassen, planst vorausschauend und arbeitest weiterhin lösungsorientiert
  • Du verfügst über gute MS-Office-Kenntnisse (insbesondere Excel und Word) sowie eine IT-Affinität (schnelle Auffassungsgabe im Umgang mit verschiedenen Tools).
  • Du hast ausgezeichnete Deutsch- und gute Englischkenntnisse.
  • Du hast ein souveränes Auftreten und gutes Kommunikationsgeschick.
  • Du bist serviceorientiert und hast Freude an teamübergreifender Zusammenarbeit.

Dein Gehalt

Aus gesetzlichen Gründen weisen wir darauf hin, dass das kollektivvertragliche Bruttojahresgehalt für diese Position auf Basis einer Vollzeitbeschäftigung mindestens € 37.800 beträgt. Je nach konkreter Qualifikation und Erfahrung ist die Bereitschaft zur deutlichen Überzahlung gegeben.

Your recruiter

Rosa Cheng

Rosa Cheng


“Every conversation becomes easier with a dash of humor”“Every conversation becomes easier with a dash of humor”

Sales Consultant DACH (m/f/d)









Ab sofort




Dein Betätigungsfeld

  • Bearbeitung der durch den Innendienst aufbereiteten Kundenleads und Durchführung des Vertriebsprozesses im Außendienst von der Akquise über die Präsentation bis zum Abschluss
  • Gewinnung von Neukunden und Betreuung von Bestandskunden im B2B Umfeld
  • Teilnahme an internationalen Messen
  • Reporting der Ergebnisse

Das zeichnet dich aus

  • Nachweisbare Vertriebserfolge (Außendienst, Telesales, etc.)
  • Kontaktfreudig, kompetent, verkaufsorientiert, flexibel, reisebereit
  • Ausgezeichnetes Deutsch, verhandlungssicheres Englisch
  • Solide PC-Anwenderkenntnisse, Verhandlungsgeschick, Präsentationssicherheit
  • Eigenverantwortliches, genaues und ergebnisorientiertes Arbeiten
  • Fähigkeit zu lernen und zur Selbstmotivation
  • Grundverständnis von Softwareprodukten und betriebswirtschaftlichen Abläufen
  • Erfahrung im B2B-Vertrieb und Branchenerfahrung (IT, Bau) von Vorteil
  • Führerschein B

Dein Gehalt

Aus gesetzlichen Gründen weisen wir darauf hin, dass das kollektivvertragliche Bruttojahresgehalt für diese Position auf Basis einer Vollzeitbeschäftigung mindestens €42.000,- beträgt. Je nach konkreter Qualifikation und Erfahrung ist die Bereitschaft zur deutlichen Überzahlung gegeben.

Your recruiter

Noushin Islam

Noushin Islam


“We build careers and shape futures, one perfect match at a time!”“We build careers and shape futures, one perfect match at a time!”

Sales Consultant KSA (m/f/d)









As of Now




Among other things, you will

  • Actively contact leads and execute the sales process in a creative and professional way
  • Drive the acquisition of new B2B customers and develop our existing customers in the region (developers, construction and engineering companies, architects, property owners and facility managers)
  • Conduct product demonstrations (on-line and face 2 face) and help potential clients to onboard the software
  • Have a sharp understanding of data when reporting results
  • Are responsible for achieving sales targets and revenue
  • Bring a responsible, accurate and results-driven working style to the team

Who you are

  • Our ideal candidate has a proven track record in sales and enjoys pitching, presenting and negotiating deals
  • You should be sociable, sales-oriented and flexible
  • You should enjoy traveling for work and have a valid class B driving license
  • You love to learn and can motivate yourself to achieve within a busy B2B Sales team
  • You have experience with (or are interested in) the IT, construction or real estate industries
  • You have excellent spoken and written Arabic and business English skills
  • You’re very comfortable working with PCs and are quick to pick up new software

Your recruiter

Noushin Islam

Noushin Islam


“We build careers and shape futures, one perfect match at a time!”“We build careers and shape futures, one perfect match at a time!”

Sales Consultant Romania (m/f/d)









As of Now




Among other things, you will

  • Actively contact leads and execute the sales process in a creative and professional way
  • Drive the acquisition of new B2B customers and develop our existing customers in the region (developers, construction and engineering companies, architects, property owners and facility managers)
  • Conduct product demonstrations (on-line and face 2 face) and help potential clients to onboard the software
  • Have a sharp understanding of data when reporting results
  • Are responsible for achieving sales targets and revenue
  • Bring a responsible, accurate and results-driven working style to the team

Who you are

  • Our ideal candidate has a proven track record in sales and enjoys pitching, presenting and negotiating deals
  • You should be sociable, sales-oriented and flexible
  • You should enjoy traveling for work and have a valid class B driving license
  • You love to learn and can motivate yourself to achieve within a busy B2B Sales team
  • You have experience with (or are interested in) the IT, construction or real estate industries
  • You have excellent spoken and written Romanian and business English skills
  • You’re very comfortable working with PCs and are quick to pick up new software

Your recruiter

Rovina Gill

Rovina Gill


“In recruitment, the goal is not to sell a job, but to build relationships and create opportunities”“In recruitment, the goal is not to sell a job, but to build relationships and create opportunities”

Sales Consultant Spain (m/f/d)









As of Now




Among other things, you will

  • Actively contact leads and execute the sales process in a creative and professional way
  • Drive the acquisition of new B2B customers and develop our existing customers in the region (developers, construction and engineering companies, architects, property owners and facility managers)
  • Conduct product demonstrations (on-line and face 2 face) and help potential clients to onboard the software
  • Have a sharp understanding of data when reporting results
  • Are responsible for achieving sales targets and revenue
  • Bring a responsible, accurate and results-driven working style to the team

Who you are

  • Our ideal candidate has a proven track record in sales and enjoys pitching, presenting and negotiating deals
  • You should be sociable, sales-oriented and flexible
  • You should enjoy traveling for work and have a valid class B driving license
  • You love to learn and can motivate yourself to achieve within a busy B2B Sales team
  • You have experience with (or are interested in) the IT, construction or real estate industries
  • You have excellent spoken and written Spanish and business English
  • You’re very comfortable working with PCs and are quick to pick up new software

Your recruiter

Rovina Gill

Rovina Gill


“In recruitment, the goal is not to sell a job, but to build relationships and create opportunities”“In recruitment, the goal is not to sell a job, but to build relationships and create opportunities”

Sales Consultant UK (m/f/d)









As of Now




Among other things, you will

  • Actively contact leads and execute the sales process in a creative and professional way
  • Drive the acquisition of new B2B customers and develop our existing customers in the region (developers, construction and engineering companies, architects, property owners and facility managers)
  • Conduct product demonstrations (on-line and face 2 face) and help potential clients to onboard the software
  • Have a sharp understanding of data when reporting results
  • Are responsible for achieving sales targets and revenue
  • Bring a responsible, accurate and results-driven working style to the team

Who you are

  • Our ideal candidate has a proven track record in sales and enjoys pitching, presenting and negotiating deals
  • You should be sociable, sales-oriented and flexible
  • You should enjoy traveling for work and have a valid class B driving license
  • You love to learn and can motivate yourself to achieve within a busy B2B Sales team
  • You have experience with (or are interested in) the IT, construction or real estate industries
  • You have excellent spoken and written business English
  • You’re very comfortable working with PCs and are quick to pick up new software

Your recruiter

Rovina Gill

Rovina Gill


“In recruitment, the goal is not to sell a job, but to build relationships and create opportunities”“In recruitment, the goal is not to sell a job, but to build relationships and create opportunities”

Sales Development Representative DACH (m/f/d)









Ab sofort




Dein Betätigungsfeld

  • Du hast Spaß daran mit potenziellen Kunden über Telefon, E-Mail und soziale Medien Kontakt aufzunehmen.
  • Du hast Teamziele fest im Blick, wenn du Termine für das Verkaufsteam vereinbarst.
  • Du arbeitest gerne zusammen mit den Sales Consultants, um laufende strategische Ziele zu identifizieren.
  • Du stellst sicher, dass der Verkaufszyklus erfolgreich durchlaufen wird, indem du genaue Informationen über Aktivitäten und Lead-Generierung in unserem CRM-System pflegst.
  • Du bist motiviert, deine Quoten konsequent zu erreichen, um die Umsatzziele für deinen Markt sicherzustellen.
  • Du hast ein ausgeprägtes Verständnis für Zahlen, wenn du über Ergebnisse berichtest.

Das zeichnet dich aus

  • Du bist selbstmotiviert, ehrgeizig und hat eine gewinnbringende Einstellung.
  • Du hast bereits Erfahrung als Sales Development Representative oder im Kundensupport gesammelt.
  • Du hast den starken Wunsch in einem B2B-Technologiebereich zu arbeiten und eine Karriere im Vertrieb oder in der Kundenentwicklung zu verfolgen.
  • Du bist ein selbstbewusster Multi-Tasking-Künstler, der Prioritäten setzen und seine Zeit effektiv einteilen kann.
  • Du verfügst über ausgezeichnete Deutsch- und Englischkenntnisse in Wort und Schrift.

Your recruiter

Rosa Cheng

Rosa Cheng


“Every conversation becomes easier with a dash of humor”“Every conversation becomes easier with a dash of humor”

Senior Account Executive Poland (m/f/d)









As of Now




Among other things, you will

  • Actively contact leads and execute the sales process in a creative and professional way
  • Drive the acquisition of new B2B customers and develop our existing customers in the region (developers, construction and engineering companies, architects, property owners and facility managers)
  • Conduct product demonstrations (on-line and face 2 face) and help potential clients to onboard the software
  • Have a sharp understanding of data when reporting results
  • Are responsible for achieving sales targets and revenue
  • Bring a responsible, accurate and results-driven working style to the team

Who you are

  • Our ideal candidate has a proven track record in sales and enjoys pitching, presenting and negotiating deals
  • You should be sociable, sales-oriented and flexible
  • You should enjoy traveling for work and have a valid class B driving license
  • You love to learn and can motivate yourself to achieve within a busy B2B Sales team
  • You have experience with (or are interested in) the IT, construction or real estate industries
  • You have excellent spoken and written Polish and business English
  • You’re very comfortable working with PCs and are quick to pick up new software

Your recruiter

Rovina Gill

Rovina Gill


“In recruitment, the goal is not to sell a job, but to build relationships and create opportunities”“In recruitment, the goal is not to sell a job, but to build relationships and create opportunities”

Senior iOS Developer (m/f/d)









As of Now




Among other things, you will

  • Help to improve the PlanRadar iOS app (smartphone, tablet)
  • Write code that’s readable, well documented, and has meaningful tests
  • Build new features and improve the existing codebase
  • Collaborate with the whole team and get involved in planning new features, improving existing features, and architectural decisions
  • Spend time on getting things done correctly, not quick and dirty
  • Development, selection, and integration of new technologies

Who you are

  • You have at least 5 years of experience as an iOS Developer
  • Ideally you have a MSc. or BSc. in Computer Science or a similar education
  • You have a deep and intimate understanding of developing native iOS apps with modern tools and frameworks
  • You have a solid background in writing code in Swift and Objective-C
  • You are familiar with the following frameworks: UIKit, SwiftUI, Combine, Core Data, XCTest
  • You obtained knowledge on how to write clean and robust code
  • Experience with TDD or BDD is a big plus
  • You feature a good sense for crafting the perfect user experience and performance
  • You have excellent English language skills, German is a plus
  • Your approach to problem-solving is pragmatic
  • You offer excellent communication skills and understand the importance of team cohesion

Your Salary

The annual gross salary for this position based on a full-time employment depending on your individual professional qualifications and previous experience ranges from € 52.500,- to € 63.000,-. This includes: full health insurance, occupational accident insurance, public pension scheme and public unemployment insurance.

Your recruiter

Rosa Cheng

Rosa Cheng


“Every conversation becomes easier with a dash of humor”“Every conversation becomes easier with a dash of humor”

Solution Engineer (m/f/d)









As of Now




Among other things, you will

  • Collaborate with the sales team to understand the needs and objectives of prospective clients
  • Engage with clients through presentations, demonstrations, and discussions, clearly communicating the value proposition of PlanRadar’s solutions and focusing on how our platform can address specific client needs and pain points
  • Develop a deep understanding of PlanRadar’s products and services and address technical questions and concerns, ensuring prospective clients understand how our solutions can meet their needs
  • Master the art of delivering compelling and tailored product demonstrations and assist in the development of proposals, including technical content, solution architecture, and implementation plans
  • Master the art of delivering compelling and tailored product demonstrations and assist in the development of proposals, including technical content, solution architecture, and implementation plans
  • Supervise and manage proof of concepts (PoCs) to demonstrate the feasibility and value of PlanRadar’s solutions to prospective clients
  • Effectively manage the response to RFPs (Requests for Proposals) to meet prospective clients’ requirements and stay informed about industry trends, competitive products, and emerging technologies
  • Provide insights and feedback to the product team to influence the development of new features and enhancements
  • Build and maintain strong relationships with key stakeholders, including prospective clients, partners, and industry influencers
  • Act as a trusted advisor throughout the sales cycle and collaborate with the customer success team to ensure seamless handover and ongoing support for new clients

Who you are

  • Bachelor’s degree in Business, Engineering, Computer Science, or a related field. An advanced degree is a plus
  • Minimum of 3-5 years of experience in a pre-sales, solutions engineering, or similar role within the SaaS industry. Construction, or real estate knowledge is a plus
  • Proficiency in software solutions, including cloud-based platforms. Experience with construction management software or related technologies is desirable
  • Fluency in both German and English is required
  • Excellent verbal and written communication skills. Ability to present complex technical concepts in a clear and compelling manner
  • Strong analytical and problem-solving skills. Ability to understand and address customer pain points effectively
  • A customer-centric mindset with a passion for delivering exceptional service and value
  • Ability to work collaboratively with cross-functional teams, including sales, product, and customer success

Your recruiter

Rovina Gill

Rovina Gill


“In recruitment, the goal is not to sell a job, but to build relationships and create opportunities”“In recruitment, the goal is not to sell a job, but to build relationships and create opportunities”

Technical Product Support (m/w/d)









Ab sofort




Dein Betätigungsfeld

  • Hilfestellung bei technischen Problemen und Unterstützung bei der technischen Integration
  • Schnittstellenfunktion zwischen Customer Success/Sales und Development/Produktentwicklung
  • Analyse von Fehlern
  • Dokumentation von Produktfunktionen
  • Reporting von Bugs und Feedback

Das zeichnet dich aus

  • Technische Ausbildung oder Berufserfahrung in einer vergleichbaren Position
  • Erfahrung im Umgang mit Web-Applikationen und mobilen Endgeräten
  • Hohe IT-Affinität und grundlegendes Verständnis von IT-Systemen
  • Ausgezeichnete Deutsch- und Englischkenntnisse in Wort und Schrift
  • Selbständiger und lösungsorientierter Arbeitsstil
  • Kommunikationsstärke und Teamfähigkeit

Dein Gehalt

Das Bruttobasisjahresgehalt für diese Position liegt bei Vollzeitbeschäftigung je nach konkreter Qualifikation und Erfahrung zwischen € 32,200.- to € 42,000.-.

Your recruiter

Belinda Lehner

Belinda Lehner

Talent Acquisition SpecialistTalent Acquisition Specialist

“Everything you can imagine is real”“Everything you can imagine is real”

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