image of a secure data centre server

The digital world presents a vast array of data security and cybersecurity risks for construction businesses. As technology evolves, so too do the threats that can potentially harm your data and put your business at risk. To ensure long-term success in 2023, construction businesses must stay ahead of the latest cybersecurity trends.

Construction businesses are increasingly reliant on digital data and technology to facilitate their operations and processes. As such, data security is a major component of the cybersecurity posture that all construction businesses should prioritize. To protect data from potential cyber threats, there are several steps that can be taken.

How construction businesses can prepare, safeguard and take preventative action against cyber threats

Firstly, it’s important to ensure data is properly backed up and stored securely off-site. This will allow data to be recovered quickly if malicious actors gain access or systems fail due to an unforeseen event. Additionally, ongoing audits should be conducted to identify any data that may have been exposed through compromised accounts.

It’s also critical for construction businesses to implement strong passwords for all online accounts related to the business. Passwords should be updated regularly and never shared with anyone outside of the organization. Furthermore, data should be encrypted wherever possible to further protect data from unauthorized access.

By taking these steps, construction businesses can better safeguard themselves against cyber threats and ensure their data is secure. It’s also important for organizations to remain vigilant and continuously review their data security measures to identify any potential vulnerabilities before they become a problem. By proactively managing data security, construction businesses can ensure that data and digital assets are kept safe from malicious activity.

What are key trends for cyber safety in 2023?

The top four cybersecurity trends to watch out for include: increased data privacy regulations; automation and artificial intelligence (AI); cloud computing; data encryption and authentication; and an emphasis on user education.

1. Increased data privacy regulation

Data privacy regulations will be increasingly stringent in 2023, requiring construction businesses to take measures to protect their data stored online or shared with third parties. This could mean implementing automated data protection tools such as data loss prevention (DLP) and data encryption.

Construction businesses must take data security seriously in order to remain compliant with industry regulations. This means investing in data-safe infrastructure and software solutions, as well as educating employees on data safety protocols. Care should be taken to secure access points such as Wi-Fi networks and mobile devices, and data should be encrypted or stored securely when possible. Cybersecurity measures should also include setting up firewalls, anti-virus software, data backups and secure passwords for digital accounts.

In addition to digital security measures, construction companies need to consider the data privacy implications of their activities. Strict data privacy regulation requires companies to know and document exactly who has access to what data, why it is being accessed, and how it will be used.

2. Automation and artificial intelligence-driven processing

Automation and AI can help to automate some of the data protection processes, streamlining data security while freeing up staff resources. Cloud computing is another trend that will become more prominent in 2023, offering businesses the ability to store data securely on remote servers.

Adopting automation and artificial intelligence technologies is essential for construction businesses to stay competitive, but it is also important for them to understand data security measures before integrating these tools into their operations.

Construction businesses need to focus on data security protocols and practices if they want to stay competitive as automation technology grows. Data management is important, but cybersecurity will be what really protects sensitive information from being accessed by outside forces.

Not only should construction businesses focus on creating data security measures, they should also establish an environment where data is collected safely and securely. This includes governing policies that identify who owns the data, how it can be used, and which data sets individuals or systems are able to access. Furthermore, this involves implementing control measures to make sure only authorized personnel have sensitive information and frequently auditing processes to sustain data integrity.

By taking the time to properly implement these measures, construction businesses can benefit from the advantages of automation technology while ensuring the safety of their operations.

3. Data encryption and multi-factor authentication

Data encryption and multi-factor authentication are two other useful cybersecurity measures that construction businesses should implement in 2023. Encryption helps to protect data by scrambling it so that even if it is stolen or compromised, it cannot be used without authorization. Authentication makes sure only authorized users have access to data, preventing unauthorized access from outsiders.

Data encryption and multi-factor authentication are two essential data security measures that can greatly improve the cybersecurity of construction businesses. Data encryption works by scrambling data into an unreadable format to ensure it remains secure during data transfer or storage. On the other hand, multi-factor authentication (MFA) requires users to provide multiple credentials — such as a one-time code sent via SMS or email — in order to log in to their accounts and access data. Together, data encryption and MFA serve as powerful tools for protecting digital assets from malicious attacks like data breaches and ransomware.

By adopting these data security measures, construction businesses can protect stored customer data and confidential project information from unauthorized access or tampering. This is particularly important with the increasing prevalence of cybercrime and data breaches in today’s tech-driven world. Furthermore, data encryption and MFA can help construction businesses comply with data privacy regulations such as the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), ISO (International Organization for Standardization) 27001 and Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS).

Ultimately, data encryption and multi-factor authentication are essential tools for ensuring the digital security of construction businesses. By leveraging these data security measures, companies can protect their customers’ data and confidential information while complying with applicable data privacy laws.

4. Increased user education and awareness training

Finally, user education is a key component of any data security set-up. Constructions businesses must take steps to ensure all staff are aware of the data security risk and have the necessary skills to protect data at all times.

Construction businesses are increasingly vulnerable to data security threats, including data breaches, ransomware attacks, and other forms of cybercrime. Cybersecurity user education and awareness training can help construction businesses protect their data and reduce the risk of data loss or theft.

User education and awareness training can help employees understand the importance of data security in order to recognize potential risks and respond appropriately when faced with a cybersecurity threat. The training should focus on topics such as detecting suspicious activity, recognizing phishing emails, understanding data privacy laws, creating secure passwords, avoiding third-party links, updating software regularly, using encryption tools for data transmission, monitoring digital access points for unauthorized users or devices, and reporting any suspected incidents immediately.


By being aware of these four cybersecurity trends, construction businesses can ensure their data is protected in 2023 and beyond. Taking steps now to implement data protection measures will help to minimize risks and secure data for years to come.

Want to upgrade your construction project management system and get ahead of next year’s anticipated cybersecurity trends? Start a 30-day free PlanRadar trial or reach out to us today.