image of a completed construction building

In the world of construction management, keeping track of a multitude of tasks, deadlines, and budgets can be overwhelming. For many years, spreadsheets were the go-to solution for organizing and managing data. However, with the rise of construction management software, more and more companies are realizing the benefits of going digital.

Transitioning from spreadsheets to construction management software may seem daunting, but it can provide numerous advantages, including increased efficiency, improved communication, and better data management.

By adopting construction management software, construction managers can realize remarkable efficiency and efficacy improvements when overseeing projects. This digital project management system has been designed to facilitate the success of each stage in a process from pre-planning through completion.

Using digital tools, construction managers can create a unified view of their entire project portfolio which will help them save time by quickly assessing the progress of each project. They can also manage multiple projects simultaneously and monitor all construction activities in real-time, allowing them to be proactive when it comes to identifying any potential issues or delays before they arise. Additionally, construction management software simplifies coordination with subcontractors and other stakeholders as well as supports collaboration between teams working on different sites.

What are the benefits of taking your construction project management digital?

Fully integrated construction management software offers many advantages over manually updating spreadsheets. It streamlines project management, making it simpler and easier to manage construction projects. This type of software enables construction managers to have complete control over the entire project from start to finish, from budget tracking and scheduling to coordination and communication with contractors and vendors.

With construction management software, construction managers can easily monitor project progress and ensure that all activities are completed on time and within budget. The software also allows construction managers to manage large amounts of paperwork in one central repository, eliminating the need for multiple spreadsheets and manual record keeping. Automation features within construction management software help construction managers automate routine tasks such as creating invoices, generating reports and tracking construction costs.

There are a number of advantages of using integrated construction management software, including but not limited to:

  • Improved project workflow accuracy: Construction management software can help reduce the risk of errors and inconsistencies in your project data, as it automates many of the tasks that are prone to errors when done manually.
  • Increased efficiency: Construction management software can save you time and effort by automating tasks such as scheduling, budgeting, and progress tracking. It can also provide real-time updates on project progress, allowing you to identify and address issues more quickly.
  • Enhanced team and stakeholder collaboration: Construction management software typically includes tools for communication and collaboration, such as project chat and document sharing, which can help improve communication and coordination among team members.
  • Better project visibility and oversight: Construction management software can provide a centralized, real-time view of all project data, making it easier to track progress and identify issues.
  • Reduced project risk: By automating and streamlining your project management processes, construction management software can help you reduce the risk of delays, cost overruns, and other issues.
  • Increased cost savings: Construction management software can help you save money by reducing the need for manual labour, mitigating costly defect rework and minimizing the risk of errors and scheduling delays.

How to make the switch to construction management software

Here are some steps that construction managers can follow to transfer their project management from spreadsheets into construction management software:

  1. Identify the key project management tasks that you currently handle using spreadsheets, such as scheduling, budgeting, and tracking progress.
  2. Research and compare different construction management software options to determine which one best meets your needs.
  3. Create a plan for transitioning your project management processes from spreadsheets to the construction management software. This may involve training your team on how to use the software, importing existing data from your spreadsheets, and setting up any necessary integrations with other tools. Some construction management software platforms like PlanRadar can provide you with a dedicated customer success team to upload and integrate your existing technology stack into the new tool set-up.
  4. Begin using the construction management software for your key project management tasks. You may want to start with a pilot project to test the software and make any necessary adjustments before rolling it out to your entire team.
  5. Monitor the effectiveness of the construction management software and make any necessary adjustments to your processes or settings to ensure that it is meeting your needs.
  6. Consider phasing out the use of manual spreadsheets for project management as you become more comfortable using the construction management software.


Overall, construction management software provides an invaluable tool for construction managers who are looking to maximize their efficiency and reduce project costs. By using construction management software, construction managers can improve the way they manage construction projects and ensure that every project is completed on time and within budget.

By making the switch from manual spreadsheets to construction management software, construction managers can take full advantage of its many features such as improved visibility over project timeline and budgeting, enhanced collaboration between stakeholders, automated task scheduling, and more. All these features make it easier for construction managers to manage construction projects with greater accuracy and efficiency.

Construction management software is essential for construction managers who want to ensure their projects are successful. It provides a powerful tool that simplifies project management while also providing construction managers with the information they need to make better decisions in a timely manner. With construction management software, construction managers can better manage construction projects and achieve their desired outcomes – more effectively and efficiently than ever before.

Get started with fully digitised construction management today by starting a free PlanRadar product trial.