image of an abstract building

The term “data-driven” is ubiquitous nowadays. It not only describes a current business project management trend, but it also has the ability to revolutionize how every company, including construction businesses, operate on a day-to-day basis. When used correctly, data can help change reactive processes into proactive machines that work tirelessly to improve productivity and job site safety while ensuring project deadlines are always met or exceeded.

If you want to get the most out of this culture, you need to have access to the proper tools and take advantage of available technology. Data gathering is important, but what’s more crucial is using that data to obtain a broader understanding of your project management and construction life cycle. Doing so prevents repeating past errors, encourages future successes, and conserves time and resources.

Here are four key considerations to keep in mind when shifting to a data-driven company culture for your business:

1. Develop and maintain a data-driven culture

Automating processes with data analytics is only effective if everyone in the organization can use the insights gleaned from this automation. Companies should prioritize training and development initiatives to ensure that all personnel understand how to interpret and utilize the data generated by construction automation systems for better decision making.

Data-driven cultures in construction can lead to enormous improvements in productivity, safety and cost efficiency. To develop and maintain such a culture, it is essential to ensure that everyone involved has access to the same set of data. This requires creating processes and systems for collecting, tracking, analyzing and sharing information throughout the organization.

First and foremost, organizations must create an environment where employees feel comfortable discussing project management data openly. For example, team members should be encouraged to bring their own experience and expertise into conversations about how different pieces of data might impact a project or process. By establishing this open dialogue across the entire organization—from engineers to site managers—insights from multiple perspectives can be harnessed to make informed decisions.

In addition, construction businesses should strive to collect data from multiple sources and formats. This requires having a system in place that can effectively manage all of the information, as well as providing tools for employees to access, use and analyze it. It is also important to ensure that everyone has access to training on how to interpret the data and make decisions based on their findings.

Finally, construction companies must have effective systems for sharing insights and best practices across teams. Making sure everyone is aware of the results of various projects or initiatives helps keep everyone in the organization informed and up-to-date on what’s working and what isn’t.

2. Evaluate your existing data infrastructure

Automation systems require reliable internet service, which means construction companies need to assess their current network capabilities before investing in an automated system. Additionally, any existing hardware or software used for construction projects needs to be compatible with your chosen automation platform in order to maximize its effectiveness.

When evaluating your existing data and digital project infrastructure, it is important to consider several key factors. Firstly, you should assess your current systems to determine whether they are up-to-date and fit for purpose. Are the systems still meeting the needs of your construction business? Do they provide the necessary level of security and protection against cyber threats? Are there any areas where improvements could be made?

Once you have identified any potential gaps or issues with your current set-up, it is important to look at ways in which technology can be used to enhance efficiency within your team. Can any existing processes be automated? Is there a need for new software or hardware upgrades? Do you require additional storage capacity or backup capabilities? These considerations should all form part of your evaluation.

Finally, you should also consider the potential costs associated with any new investments or upgrades that may be required. Can you afford to invest in a more advanced data and digital infrastructure? How much will it cost to implement the changes, and what is the expected return on investment? By taking into account all these factors, you can ensure that any changes you make are cost-effective and beneficial for your construction business.

3. Consider a phased approach

If you feel overwhelmed by the prospect of transitioning to a fully automated construction process, consider taking a phased approach. This can involve automating one process at a time to allow the company to acclimate to the changes and adjust as needed.

The first phase of the transition to digital construction management should involve a comprehensive assessment of the organization’s current processes and operations. This includes assessing existing workflows, technology capabilities, and areas for improvement. Additionally, it is important to identify any skills gaps that need to be addressed in order to ensure successful implementation of digital solutions.

Once the assessment is complete, construction teams can use this data to create an actionable strategy for transitioning their operations into a digitally-enabled project management environment. This plan should include setting measurable goals and outlining a timeline for achieving them. It is also important to assess potential risks associated with implementing new technologies and developing contingency plans in case those risks become reality.

Companies will then need to implement their proposed strategies by selecting the appropriate software solutions and training employees to use them. This can involve transforming existing manual processes into digital versions or introducing new technologies that are more suitable for digital operations. Additionally, organizations should make sure their teams are aware of best management practices for using the technology effectively and securely.

Once the transition is complete, it is important that teams regularly monitor and measure the impact of their changes in order to ensure they remain on track with their project management goals. It is also crucial to have a feedback loop in place so any problems can be rectified quickly and efficiently. Finally, organizations should continue to look for ways to refine their digital construction management approach by utilizing available resources such as industry trends, data analytics, and customer feedback.

4. Leverage different technologies

The transition to digital construction management can be a daunting task. However, leveraging various technologies available today can help streamline the journey and make it much simpler than anticipated.

One of the most important tools needed for successful transition is a cloud-based construction management software platform. A cloud-based platform allows you to store all your project data in one secure place, eliminating the need for hard drives or other physical storage solutions. Working with a cloud-based system also makes it easy to access data from any device with an internet connection, giving teams added flexibility and convenience. This type of platform also enables collaboration between team members no matter where they are located around the world, ensuring everyone is on the same page at all times.

Automation systems aren’t limited to just one technology; there are myriad options for tracking and analysing data from your construction processes. Consider incorporating sensors, drones, robotics, 3D printing, machine learning and other cutting-edge solutions into your automation strategy. By taking advantage of these technologies, you can maximize the efficiency of your automated processes and open up new avenues for innovation in the industry.


In conclusion, embracing data-driven construction automation is an important step for any company looking to stay competitive in today’s construction and project management landscape. By following the tips outlined in this article, companies can successfully harness the power of automation for their benefit. With the right approach and technology, construction companies can reap significant rewards from data-driven automation systems and ensure they remain at the forefront of industry trends.

You might be thinking that a data-driven culture will rely only on machines and bots, but humans are still vital in this equation. In fact, basing decisions purely off data can sometimes be just as costly as not having any data at all – so years of experience and field knowledge is irreplaceable when it comes to providing context and making the best decision possible. Keep in mind that fully transitioning to a data-driven project environment takes time; it’s not an instantaneous process.

Want to find out how your business can benefit from transitioning to a digital construction management platform? Start a PlanRadar 30-day free trial or contact us today.