Customer Story

"In contrast to our experience with Microsoft Excel, by using PlanRadar we always have a complete overview of the current state of affairs in the event of anomalies."

Michel Haugg,

Head of Technical Facility Management at the Basel site of ETH Zurich

Recording Contractual Deviations with Construction Documentation Software

How ETH Zurich efficiently records contractual deviations for the new BSSE Department building with PlanRadar

ETH Zurich, one of Switzerland’s largest and renowned universities, faced challenges in recording contractual deviations during its D-BSSE building project in Basel. Michel Haugg, Head of Technical Facility Management, sought a solution to streamline this process. PlanRadar’s construction software emerged as the answer, enabling the digital documentation of deviations, defects, and snags. Four team members, along with observers, now use PlanRadar for various project-related tasks, including defect recording, communication, task management, and reporting. The result: improved communication, reduced misunderstandings, and enhanced project control for ETH Zurich.

The problem: recording data with Excel is inconvenient and time consuming

Michel Haugg is Head of Technical Facility Management at ETH Zurich’s Basel campus. His responsibilities include implementing a precise, rapid and reliable technical service. As part of his work, he also oversees the recording of irregularities in the new D-BSSE building, which is scheduled to be completed in 2022. During this work, deviations from the agreed construction process are precisely and reliably documented. Michel Haugg explained that this work required a great deal of effort in previous projects: “Contractual deviations were originally recorded with Microsoft Excel and separate photo documentation, which led to an unclear mess of lists.” What the team needed was a solution with which all facts could be recorded and documented together with all the relevant information.

The solution: PlanRadar’s construction documentation software as a digital tool for recording contractual deviations

How did ETH Zurich decide on PlanRadar construction documentation software as a tool for digitally documenting facts? “I used PlanRadar to support a test project worth CHF 2 million. It convinced me, so I recommended using this software for our large project to record contractual deviations,”, said Michel Haugg. The result is that 4 project team members and a number of observers now use PlanRadar to carry out various tasks related to processing irregularities, including defect recording, communication, task management and reporting. To manage these tasks, the team uses various features of the tool, including the audio recorder, plan comparisons and flexible ticket function. As the general contractor is providing the new build and ETH Zurich will receive a ready-to-use building, the project team is recording technical data in parallel to the construction process. By using PlanRadar’s construction documentation software, they have constant access to a full overview of the project, including a view on where problems could occur in the future.

Das Ergebnis: Baudokumentation Software sorgt für schnellere Abläufe und eine perfekte Übersicht

Die Resultate sprechen laut Michel Haugg für sich: „Mit PlanRadar profitieren wir von einer einfachen und schnellen Erfassung von Vertragsabweichungen.“ Die digitale Dokumentation von Sachverhalten spart nicht nur Zeit, sondern reduziert auch das Auftreten von Missverständnissen in der Kommunikation zwischen den Projektbeteiligten. So hat das Projektteam mit der Baudokumentation Software alle sich ergebenden Punkte perfekt und auf lange Zeit im Griff.

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ETH Zurich uses PlanRadar for these tasks:

Recording contractual deviations and snags

Recording contractual deviations and snags

All irregularities are recorded as text, videos, images and audio, pinned to digital construction plans and sent to all project participants in real time.

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Photo documentation in just one tap

Photo documentation in just one tap

With PlanRadar, workers can collect complete and linked photo documentation directly on site with their mobile phones.

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Managing contractors

Managing contractors

Using PlanRadar, contractors receive instructions and feedback in real time, so you can coordinate efficiently. Subcontractors can access the platform free of charge!

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