Blog Post

PlanRadar daily reporting app – How to get the best daily reports

21.02.2018 | 8 min read | Written by Thomas Lehner

For those who don’t know PlanRadar – it’s a cloud-based construction management software and app for defect management and construction documentation. It saves you two hours rework time per one hour of inspection and saves your business about $ 9,000 USD a year (907% return on investment). Automated processes let you create construction documentation and daily reports in seconds, which you can even use in evidence cases!

daily reporting app PlanRadar

Briefly explained, the PlanRadar software allows collaboration of literally all project participants on the field by using the PlanRadar mobile reporting app (see the topic “a benefit for everyone”). You can assign a defect in the form of a ticket to e.g. your subcontractor while adding a plan position, photos, voice recordings, due dates and much more to your created ticket. Tickets can be created via the app directly on the field for an easy time and site management on the way, or in the web app from your office through an email free process. Reporting and status updates become as easy as clicking a button.

These created tickets are the basis of your documentation, which gives you the detailed status of any work in any project on a daily to even a yearly basis to track the project’s progress. PlanRadar customers say that automated documentations save most of the time (up to 11 hours a week!). You can use these reports for free via mobile phone or you can download them on your PC. You can even make evidence proof documents (which can be several thousand pages long) in seconds and save your business lot of valuable time on the construction site and in the office. Let PlanRadar do the reporting for you! Learn more about PlanRadar documentations in this blog post.

In this article, we talk about how to get the most out of your daily reports in the construction field by giving you two examples of a template: on one hand for the construction manager and on the other hand for the building owner (if you are one)! Afterward, you can use these templates to convince yourself and test PlanRadar 30 days for free. If you want to learn more about PlanRadar don’t hesitate to contact us for a free of charge webinar to learn the difference between PlanRadar and other construction apps.


Create sophisticated reports and templates according to your needs

The PlanRadar construction management software allows you to not only see extensive information assigned to a ticket, such as plan position, status, subcontractor, due date, ticket type but also determine the content and layout and give different user groups the right to see the write-up by using our smartphone app.

Giving permission is an important feature if you make multiple (daily) reports for diverse project members! For example, you can prepare a single recount for the construction manager which will differ from the recount for the building owner or external expert.

Besides creating reports for specific project members while being able to exclude other parties entirely you can even adopt the report’s presentation.

For example, you can show the building owner all tickets which have been done in the past sorted by location and time while giving the construction manager daily reports which are listed by priority of the ticket with the accompanied assignee first. We are going to store all this information for you.

In the following, we will show you two report templates: one for building owners and one for construction managers.


Creating templates using the PlanRadar daily reporting app

1. At first, we will generate a template for the construction manager. We assume that he wants to use the document to identify temporary bottlenecks. Eliminate bottlenecks and finishing the project in time is the top priority in his construction monitoring.

2. In the second case, we will create a template for the building owner. We assume that he wants to track the construction progress on a daily basis. Thus, the write-up should include finished tasks and show the location of tasks which will be finished the next day. He needs a direct view without being on the construction site on daily basis.


Daily report for the construction manager

The construction manager’s report should identify temporary bottlenecks to eliminate them and to finish the project on time. That’s why we want to see all tickets which are being processed, as well as the tickets whose due date is Monday next week. We also want to see the ticket type and status, as well as the assignee and the ticket’s location on the plan with just one view.

Login to the PlanRadar web application, go to the menu item filter and click create filter. You will then get a drop-down menu where you can choose ticket attributes and set rules, e.g. ticket status is not closed, and the due date is Monday, the 10th of September 2017. You determine which tickets you want to see in your summary by using ticket filters. While creating a report template you can choose which information of the displayed ticket will be shown!

PlanRadar Edit Filter Screenshot

Edit ticket filter with PlanRadar


Afterwards, you add a second property and choose due date is equal to the date of the next day. It´s that easy. This will generally filter all created tickets which match these criteria. Using these filter options will show us four tickets on our digital blueprint which match our criteria for September 2017 in this case.
PlanRadar Ticket detail on drawing

Filtered tickets on a digital blueprint


Creating the report template

At first, give it an appropriate name and define how tickets will be displayed. In our case, we have two ticket attributes we want to show in the report: ticket status and due date. Our write-up will display all unfinished tasks, which have to be finished on Monday of the next week (see filter).

We chose “sort by priority” to display the most important tasks first, included medium photos in our summary, excluded the journal (all ticket changes, such as assignee, due date, etc.) and made this write-up visible for all in-house users.


PlanRadar Report template screenshot

Generate a template for construction documentation with PlanRadar


In the last step, we determine what ticket information we want to display. We choose the ticket title, the ticket creator, due date and status, assignee, priority, progress, ticket type and category and location.[vc_single_image image=”14640″ img_size=”full” alignment=”center”]

Edit display settings with PlanRadar


PlanRadar Report template attributes screenshot
report for construction manager

Example: a report for construction managers


This is a section from the write-up created for the construction manager. You can export it within 10 seconds once you have saved ticket filters and report templates. You can get sophisticated daily reports by editing the ticket filter, afterward export your summary of what happened in a certain period of 2017 and immediately send them via email to the target contact.

Daily report for the building owner

Again, login to the web application and create a filter. We want to see all resolved tickets, as well as tickets which will be finished the next day. In this case, we want to see the daily progress of the whole construction project. If you choose “sort by status” all resolved tickets will be shown first and afterward you’ll get the tickets with the due date of the next day. We can include photos in our report and exclude the journal. This write-up should only be visible to us and also include a blueprint and display project details.

Creating the report

We chose the ticket’s title, due date, status, progress, and the ticket location. This information should be enough for this case. We don’t exactly want to know who created a ticket and who will resolve it – we just want to see which work has been done on the building site.

After saving ticket filter and the report template, you can export your daily write-up via pdf or excel sheet and send it directly to any of your team members emails.


Some last words

Now you have all the information on how to create templates and construction reports. First, inspect the field and use the PlanRadar app to track every single defect. After creating tickets, you can easily export and view all tickets and information via the web app, just like a construction punch list. PlanRadar’s cloud-based software for field management guarantees you access to all information and reports even on your mobile devices. We store all of them in our cloud. Our easy to use platform will bundle all project data into customized construction reports, which will be available to you in just 10 seconds. PlanRadar will do this work for you and save your business lots of time—approximately 60 minutes a day! Test our software for free or contact us if you have any questions. You will find our mobile app for Apple iOS and Windows devices in their respective app stores. There are apps for every stage of your construction project available in the store, but all of these apps also try to focus on a single component of the big picture. PlanRadar software allows a collaboration of all project participants during the whole process!

Get started in 4 easy steps.

1. Create an account

2. Upload plans

3. Invite team members

4. Download app